
  下载的来电铃声怎么安装抖音经典神曲iPhone铃声fade混响铃声下载!最近抖音上铃声混音的歌曲好火啊,小伙伴们是不是都在找抖音经典神曲iPhone铃声fade混响铃声呢?下面那就一起试听一下吧!   抖音经典神曲iPhone铃声fade混响铃声下载   ?   下载地址:https://music.163.com/#/program?id=2056230336   歌词分享   (Like 玉石 a skyscraper)   像那高耸入云的摩天大厦   All I knew this morning when I woke   早上当我醒来时我就知道   Is I know something now   现在我知道了一些以前不知道的事情   know something now I didn't before   一些以前不知道的事情   Bad decisions, that's alright   曾误入歧途   Welcome to my silly life   一错再错 义无反顾   Ooh Color crimson 玉石 in my eyes   哦抬眼满是猩红血色   Wanted too you could free my mind   欲求解开我的心灵枷锁   I won't deny what they're sayin'   我无法否认他们的偏见   Because most of it is true   他们说的确实是真的   But it was all before I fell for you   但那只是以前的我   So please babe   求求你 亲爱的   We are never ever ever getting back together   我们再也不能破镜重圆了   ***** better have my money   碧池快还我钱   (Take it x8,Take it Love me)   Banging the drum like dum di di day   像这样猛击我的鼓   I know you want it in the worst way   我知道你很喜欢那样   I wanna hear you callin' my name   我想听到你呼唤我的名字   Like hey ma mama,hey ma mama   像呼唤妈妈那样   Cause baby now we got bad blood   亲爱的我们现在有嫌隙   You know it used to be mad love   这本来是疯狂的爱恋   Pay me,what you owe me   把欠我的钱都还给我   (Ah-la-la-la-la)   Just like animals,animals,like animals   就像动物 动物 就像只猎食动物   (Oh-Oh -Ohoh,da-dangerous)   Here come bad news talking this and that   负能量满天飞 吐槽这 吐槽那玉石   I picked up every piece   我拾起地上的每一块碎片   And landed on my feet   用双脚缓缓支起身躯   I'm wide awake   我终于清醒过来   Give me all you got, don't hold back   向我传递负能量 让我一吐为快   (no~)   No I ain't got cash,I ain't got cash   我并不富裕   But I got you baby   但宝贝 我得到了你   I'll let you set the pace   耶 我要让你领导我   'Cause I'm not thinking straight   因为我已无法思考   You used to be thirsty for me   你曾经渴望着我   But now you wanna be set free   但现在你想自由   You hate me now and I feel the same way same way   此刻你恨我的话我也一样   Baby bring a lemon and a bottle of gin   宝贝 带上些柠檬一瓶酒   We'll be in between the sheets until the late AM   就在床上呆着直到中午   Baby if you wanted me then you should've just said   如果你希望跟我一起你就应该说出口   She's singing   她不停唱着歌   (Ah-la-la-la-la)   (Ohh)   Pretty, pretty please,don't you ever, ever feel   亲爱的 为何你从未感觉   (Party in the USA~)   One hand in the air for the big city   为这座巨城挥舞兴奋的手   Street lights, big dreams, all lookin' pretty   迷蒙中初上的华灯看上去有着梦幻般的绮丽   下载手机铃声安装到来电铃声
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